Get out of debt in 18 months!

How Zilch Works

Step 2 - Enter information

How Zilch Works Steps 1 through 6

Step 2 - Enter information about your debts.

Start by clicking the Add... button on the main screen. When you click the Add... button you will be presented with a simple, easy to use form in a pop-up window. This is how you input the information you collected on the data entry worksheet from Step 1.

( ZilchWorks Main Screen )

Use the simple Add Creditor Information form and enter the following information for each debt.

  • Creditor Name
  • Annual Percentage Rate
  • Current Balance
  • Monthly Payment
  • Credit Card
  • Loan/Mortgage

Click the OK button when you are done.

( Add Creditor Information Form )

After you have competed entering all the creditor information your screen should look similar to this:

( Add Creditor Information Complete )

How Zilch Works Steps 1 through 6
Testimonial scroll

❝It is almost laughable at how easy it is to get this paid off❞

After being trapped by the vultures in the credit card industry, I followed your advice and have started to make progress paying off my debts. I never knew about the ways these vicious companies keep a consumer paying for years and years. You have really opened my eyes to this problem.

I have followed your advice for 15 months. My minimums are so low its shocking but I keep making the amount I set up. It is almost laughable at how easy it is to get this paid off but without your help, I never would have been able to do this. Thanks again Mike. Keep doing what you're doing. And I hope you get rich and famous and live a fantastic life.

Robert Gardner - Georgia
See all testimonials

Why ZilchWorks

We believe you need to be careful how and with whom you share your financial data. Our software never shares your financial information with anyone.